Autumn Leaves

    • Autumn Leaves Backing Tracks

One of our biggest sellers. 100% live instrumentation on this jazz playalong backing track.
Includes free lead sheet music for C, Bb, and Eb instruments.

Our backing tracks for Autumn Leaves are in the following keys...
Gm - the standard key
Em - in a male vocal range

Tempo:130 bpm

duration: 3:37

8 bar intro
1 chorus for solos
3 tags at end - slowing on last

performed by:
johnny mercer
nat king cole
josef kosma
bill evans
miles davis
ben webster
chet baker

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6 products
Autumn Leaves - for Melody Instruments
Autumn Leaves - for Guitar
Autumn Leaves - for Piano
Autumn Leaves - for Bass
Autumn Leaves - for Drums
Autumn Leaves - with Bass & Drums Only