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Backing Tracks for Trombone

The backing tracks for trombone have no melodies or solos on them, so you can have the stage all to yourself, or invite your other Musician and vocalist friends to join you. No matter what type of trombone you play, these backing tracks are for you.

Learn and earn with Jazzbacks! Experience and confidence will be yours when you perform, practice, and learn with our backing tracks.

The golden age of modern jazz standards are found here in our library, the same songs that all the legends played night after night. Also to be found are R&B, Soul, Blues, and smooth jazz pieces.

These faithfully accurate tunes developed through the decades by the jazz community are waiting for you. You'll find chord changes or sheet music for C, Bb and Eb instruments.

172 products
'S Wonderful - for All Instruments
A Foggy Day - for Melody Instuments
A Natural Woman - Backing Tracks
Affirmation - for All Instruments
Ain't Misbehaving - for Melody Instruments
Ain't No Sunshine - for Melody Instruments
Ain't No Sunshine - Multi-Track Set
From £15.00
Alfie - for Instruments & Vocals
Alice In Wonderland - for Melody Instruments
All Blues - for Melody Instruments
All Of Me - for Melody Instruments
All The Way for Melody Instruments
Alone Together - Ballad
Autumn In New York - Backing Track
Autumn Leaves - for Melody Instruments
Back At The Chicken Shack
Baker Street for Melody Instruments