Backing Tracks for All Melody Instruments

Welcome to our collection of professional backing tracks for melody instruments. The tracks in this category have no melody, vocals, or solos played on them.
You will only hear the piano trio on these tracks - piano, bass and drums.
You provide the melody, vocals, and improvisation to these playalong backing tracks.



Let our jazz club trio or our R&B quartet be your backing band. We will never upstage, or take the spotlight away from you playing your melody instrument! Whether you play a saxophone, trumpet, trombone, violin, flute, harmonica, French horn, bassoon, clarinet, kazoo... (you get the idea), our backing tracks for melody instruments are for you! So, dive in and check out our authentically produced library.

Did you know, we only use real, live musicians on real instruments for our Jazzbacks branded collections? These are musicians who have years and years of experience studying and playing jazz professionally. If you work with our jazz backing tracks, you too will gain valuable experience and confidence to get to a jazz venue and join the bandstand! So, let us be your backing band. We give you center stage and we are here to support you.

The Soulbacks branded backing tracks also use live musicians but occasionally employ some artfully programmed material (soulful loops, for example) for a desirable effect.

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187 products
Doxy - for All Instruments
I Can't Get Started - for Melody Instruments
Giant Steps - for Melody Instruments
Sentimental Journey - for Melody Instruments
Recordame - for Melody Instruments
That's All - for Melody Instruments
Triste - for Melody Instruments
Nuages - for Melody Instruments
On A Clear Day - for All Instruments
Moonglow - for Melody Instruments
Four - for All Instruments
Groovin' High for Melody Instruments
Shiny Stockings - for Melody Instruments
Blue Skies - for Melody Instruments