Backing Tracks for Trumpet

This is the place to find backing tracks for Trumpet, Flugal Horn, Cornet. There are no melodies or solos on these backing tracks as we've left these for you to play. Our jazz savvy bassist, drummer, and piano player make you the star player.

We take our time making these tracks and we respect the details of these time honoured standards. Play along with these tracks and embolden your playing ability.

Here are the jazz songs that culturally shaped the twentieth century. All the great jazz trumpet players cut their teeth playing the same tunes that make up our catalogue. Players like Miles Davis, Louis Armstrong, Dizzy Gillespie and many more. They all played these tunes in one setting or another.

Bb, Eb and Concert sheet music or at least the chord charts will come with each track at no extra charge. Check individual product details to find out.

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40 products
A Natural Woman - Backing Tracks
Ain't No Sunshine - for Melody Instruments
Back At The Chicken Shack
Breezin' - for All Instruments
Chitlins Con Carne - for All Instruments
Cold Duck Time - for All Instruments
Coming Home Baby - for All Instruments
Do I Do - Multi-Track Package - Audio Stems
From £15.00 £20.00 25% Off
Europa - for Melody Instruments
Europa - Multi-Track Audio Stem Set
From £15.00 £20.00 25% Off
Hit The Road Jack for Melody Instruments
I'd Rather Go Blind - for Melody Instruments
I'm A Woman - for Melody Instruments
Imagine - for Melody Instruments
Lately - for Melody Instruments