Careless Love

Our backing tracks for Careless Love have been produced in the following key...

  • C - in a female vocal range
  • G - in a male vocal range 

tempo: 113 bpm

duration: 4:48

16 bar Intro
16 bar Verse
16 bar Verse
16 bar Solo
16 bar Verse
16 bar Verse
16 bar Solo
16 bar Verse
4 bar tag

this song has been performed by:
Bessie Smith
Madeleine Peyroux
Ray Charles
Bessie Smith
Janis Joplin

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8 products
Careless Love - for Bass
Careless Love - for Drums
Careless Love - for Guitar
Careless Love - for Melody Instruments
Careless Love - for Piano / Keyboards
Careless Love - for Solo Female Vocals
Careless Love - for Solo Male Vocals
Careless Love - with Bass and Drums Only