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Bossa Nove Backing Track Jazz Standard by Antonio Jobim. With 100% live instrumentation.
Includes free sheet music for C, Bb, and Eb Instruments.

**Re-mixed August 2015**

**Sheet Music not included with Guide Tracks**

Our backing tracks for Wave have been produced in the following key...

  • D - The Standard Key

Tempo: 125 bpm


arrangement for instruments: 4:52

8 bar Intro
1 Chorus
Refrain 4 extra bars
End – Retard the opening melody phrase

arrangement for solo vocals: 3:07

8 bar intro
sing once through
guitar plays melody for 12 bars
come back in with the bridge
sing to the end 

8 products
Wave - for Solo Female Vocals
Wave - for Melody Instruments
Wave - for Guitar
Wave - for Piano / Keyboards
Wave - for Bass
Wave - for Drums
Wave - with Bass and Drums Only
Wave - Guide Track